Jane Goodall meets the Vibe Tribe

Dr. Jane's real name is Valerie Jane, global inspiration goddesses have great names. I felt like I was with Gandhi when I was in her presence, absolute inner peace and tranquility exuded from this amazing woman. It was a true honor to meet her.

"Roots creep underground everywhere and make a firm foundation. Shoots seem very weak, but to reach the light they can break through brick walls. Imagine that the brick walls are all the problems we have inflicted on our planet. Hundreds and thousands of roots and shoots, hundreds and thousands of young people around the world, can break through these walls. You CAN change the world." -

Jane Goodall

3 dedicated global warriors, Vibin' Valerie, Whalin' Wyland, and Jungle Jane

"In the early '70s, it was Greenpeace that first made me think about how I could contribute to this important cause - how I could use my art to help save the whales. It has only been in the last 20 years that people have begun to understand living whales and as the world's environmental consciousness grew, so did appreciation for my work. Whales have navigated the world's oceans for 40 million years and it is one of our greatest challenges to ensure these majestic creatures continue to do so, "states Wyland.

Walter Cronkite made a special appearance, he is a journalism legend.

It was my distinct honor to meet Jane Goodall and Walter Cronkite at a charity benefit for a local University. Dr. Goodall is the pioneer for research with primates in the African jungles and continues to this day to travel around the world lecturing thousands on the importance of the preservation and conservation of our planet and it's inhabitants. Thank you Dr. Goodall for all of your contributions to the chimps and the people on this planet we call home. You are an inspiration to me and to thousands. Namaste.

Dr. Goodall, Wyland , and I share the similar bottom line philosophy that every person on this planet has the power to make a difference. All of our actions, no matter how big nor small, do affect life on our planet, and it's up to us ( that means you and me ) to make responsible decisions so that our home, planet Earth, is around for the next million years for our kids to walk and play on.

"One person can make a difference, be that person. "