Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History.


Friday's for giving
Friday's forgiving

Every Friday of every week of every year

I propose that in order to help raise the level of inner and outer peace on OUR planet, on Fridays, we all either forgive someone else or ourselves for whatever it is that needs forgiving. Do so in writing- send it in the mail. Or, if we have no one to forgive for anything, then we give someone something. It could be someone we know. It could be a card or a simple Hello note, “I’m thankful for you in my life”. It could be giving something to a stranger, a little spare change to charity, an hour of your day to help someone out who needs it. It does not have to cost you a thing-
it’s free and the
rewards are priceless.

If you think this is a good idea- please pass it on to people you know-
I don’t want any credit or anything for this- just pass the idea along – let’s see what happens? It couldn’t hurt.

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