The Valerie and the Vibe Tribe CARTOON
We’ve been tossing around the idea of making our very
own CARTOON!! Traveling the galaxy stomping out “bad vibes” with
the MEGA-GOOD-VIBES of music, dance, and expression! Of course
we’ll be in our fantabulous costumes and each of us will
have our own super power complete with viber voices! DY-NO-MITE!
One of the coolio parts will be to have the “Guest Vibers” appearing
on the shows and to have “Special Guest Vibers” like
Madonna, Eminem, Sting, Peter Gabriel, Bono, Osama, Saddam, Bush
etc appearing on the shows! I am looking for a stellar animator
to come up with some initial screen shots- sooooo, if you know
anyone who may fit well with our vision- hook them up with us-
the links below to learn
more about Valerie